Demand Policies


The following guidelines and policies (“Demand Policies”) of iion Pty Ltd. (“iion”) describe the digital advertising standards applicable to any demand side platform, advertising network, advertising agency, or advertiser (“Demand Partner”) using the iion Services. The “iion Services” (a) facilitate the delivery and insertion of Demand Partner advertisements (“Ads”) through publisher properties (such as websites, mobile websites, applications, mobile applications, connected television platforms, or other digital properties made available to iion) to end-users’ devices.

In order to use the iion Services, Demand Partner agrees to abide by these Demand Policies. Demand Partner also agrees to abide by any other applicable agreements entered into with iion. Any violation of these Demand Policies is subject to enforcement as provided below, in iion’s sole discretion.

iion reserves the right to update these Demand Policies at any time. If an update includes material changes, iion shall provide notice of such update via email. By continuing to use the iion Services after such notice, Demand Partner agrees to abide by the updated version of these Demand Policies.

Prohibited Content

Demand Partner is prohibited from serving Ads that feature or promote any of the following content categories:

  • Graphic or explicit violence (IAB25-2 (Extreme Graphic/Explicit Violence));
  • Adult sexual content, including adult products (e.g sex toys and sexual enhancers), adult-themed dating, escort services, “mail-order brides,” or similar services; (IAB25-3 (Pornography));
  • Discriminating, offensive, or profane material or hate content (IAB25-4 (Profane Content), IAB25-5 Hate Content));
  • Weapons, weapon accessories, and ammunition (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));
  • Illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));
  • Tobacco and tobacco accessories including, but not limited to electronic smoking devices (IAB9-9 (Cigars));
  • Spyware, malware, viruses, illegal hacking, or other materials that are intended to damage or render inoperable software or hardware (IAB26-3 (Spyware/Malware));
  • P2P file sharing, torrenting, or other content violating or infringing upon any third-party intellectual property rights (IAB26-2 (Warez), IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement));
  • Counterfeit goods (IAB26-4 (Copyright Infringement));
  • Illegal products, activities, and services, including, but not limited to, “how-to” information on bomb-making, lock-picking, and similar topics (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));
  • Unmoderated user-generated content (IAB25-1 (Unmoderated UGC));
    Incentivized clicks and downloads (IAB25-7 (Incentivized));
    Content or material offering traffic generation or promoting fraudulent traffic (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));
  • Content or material making misleading, deceptive, or unrealistic claims (IAB26-1 (Illegal Content));
  • Content or material pertaining to particular religions or spirituality, or advocating the superiority of a specific race/ethnic group, national origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, language, status as a veteran, or any other legally protected status (IAB23 (Religion & Spirituality), IAB25-5 (Hate Content));
  • Uncategorized content (IAB24 (Uncategorized));
  • Abuse support (IAB7-28 (Incest/Abuse Support));
  • Substance abuse (IAB7-42 (Substance Abuse));
  • Hunting and shooting content (IAB17-18 (Hunting/Shooting));
  • Content or material promoting or containing links that are disparaging to iion or iion’s partners;
  • Content promoting real-time bidding/supply-side platforms or advertising services outside of iion or iion’s partners.
  • Content promoting recreational drugs.

Restricted Content

Demand Partner’s Ads may be permitted to feature or promote the following restricted content categories, provided that Demand Partner has appropriate controls to ensure that such Ads comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the country and jurisdiction in which the Ads are served:

  • Alcohol content (IAB8-5 (Cocktails/Beer), IAB8-18 (Wine));
  • Gambling or online casinos (if real currency is involved or if there is the ability to cash out) (IAB9-7 (Card Games));
  • Lotteries (IAB3-7 (Government));
  • Hemp-sourced CBD;
  • Pharmaceutical or health products and services, including prescription medications (IAB7-5 (Alternative Medicine));
  • Financial services (IAB13-1 (Beginning Investing), IAB13-2 (Credit/Debt & Loans), IAB13-4 (Financial Planning), IAB13-5 (Hedge Fund), IAB13-6 (Insurance), IAB13-7 (Investing), IAB 13-8 (Mutual Funds), IAB13-9 (Options), IAB13-10 (Retirement Planning), IAB 13-11 (Stocks));
  • Political campaigning content (IAB11-4 (Politics)).

Technical Requirements

  • Demand Partner’s destination URL must be written in a supported markup language (XHTML or HTML), viewable in web browsers, and link to a working website related to the applicable Ad.
  • Ads that automatically redirect the end-user or initiate a download without end-user interaction (i.e., click, touch, etc.) are prohibited.
  • Flashing, shaking, or misleading Ads (e.g., Ads imitating activities from known brands) are prohibited.
  • “Click-to-call” phone numbers must connect end-users to the advertiser’s business. Toll or fee-based phone numbers that require additional payment by the caller are prohibited.
    • Phone numbers must be functional (e.g., fax numbers are not permitted) and local or domestic to the Demand Partner’s Ad’s target country; phone numbers must use the correct format for the target country.
  • Proper grammar conventions must be followed.
  • Use of common text message abbreviations is permitted.
  • Ads must be visible and render properly.

Enforcement Policy

Any violation of these Demand Policies may result in the suspension or blocking of Demand Partner’s Ad on the iion Services, in iion’s sole discretion. Additionally, iion reserves the right to block Demand Partner’s other Ads on the iion Services or terminate Demand Partner’s account.

Demand Partner is responsible for ensuring compliance with these Demand Policies and all applicable local laws, rules, and regulations that may apply to Demand Partner’s use of the iion Services.